Welcome to the farm

Dedicated to my Husband ,Marvin, who lost his battle to Mesothelioma July 14th,2010.

All images and information are created by Kristy. All images are protected by copyright.

Friday, June 4, 2010

This journey is beating me down !!

Hello friends and family !

I don't have any art to post today, just a note from my heart ! I am being beaten down with all that is going on with my dear Marvin . His pain is 24/7 now. Yesterday was another day seeing his Dr's. They have upped his Morphine and added a few others to help with other issues he now must deal with . Praying that these changes will give him better relief and sleep. That would be a blessing for both of us ! He took a fall 2 weeks ago and we ended up back in the hospital. Pneumonia in both lungs and a bowl obstruction ! Poor dear man ! Now the Dr's fear that it may be tumors popping up and not pneumonia ! Oh dear Lord.. please NO! So we will be coming back to KC for another MRI and pray for NO MORE TUMORS !

I am worn out at best. I also stopped smoking... what a stupid idea while going through this, but... I did it! Gag at the thought of them now ! Yeah me !! LOL!! I had a bad spell with depression, anger,frustration and just plain not giving a hoot ! But, I am blessed to have a dear BFF that has big shoulders to let me cry and scream til we laugh! Thanks Sis !! My son, Justin has been a rock as well. I am so proud of you sweetie you know how much I love you... always and forever! I have not been playing of FB or drawing at all... so you know I have been down and out ! That is just unheard of... lol !! But here I am at least posting to my blog and to his carepages...which is www.carepages.com then enter MarvinThomas to catch any updates or read all about this journey. If you know any caregivers or someone dealing with Mesothelioma this is a great place where we have posted about our journey .

It is nearly 4 am so I guess I had better try and get some rest. He just layed back down so going to go cuddle in with him .

Take care my friends.... miss you all at flickr so much.. praying things will get back on track or I get the help I am praying for !!! Hugs to all...
Kristy...aka..Rose Twofeather


  1. Hello dear Rose Twofeather, I have been concerned and thinking of you and Marvin. Everyday I look for a note or couple of words. It is 6.30 pm here in Tasmania, my grandchildren have just gone home after a sleep over, they are so gorgeous but I still enjoy a brandy and dry when the house is quiet again. You are doing a wonderful job to give up smoking at such a stressfull time I hope you can stick it out. Hugs to both.

  2. Hello my dear. You both lay heavy on my heart. I lift you up every day to the Lord's blessing. Congrats K on giving up those cancer sticks! Way to go! Please let us know over at Flickr if you need anything at all! Love and hugs!
    ~ky (scrapacat)
